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Neudata Data Summit September 28, 2022- San Francisco

On September 28, the Quantbot Technologies team was in San Francisco for the September Neudata Data Summit. The conference had over 400 people in attendance with over 60 speakers discussing the latest advancements in the cryptocurrency space and how blockchain technologies are enabling adoption for institutional investors.

Paul White, Quantbot's CEO, was given the opportunity to participate during the Neudata event. Once during the "Panel: Navigating Turbulence in Crypto Markets", where Paul and two other panelists "[e]xplore[d] how DeFi has challenged many aspects of traditional capital markets and discover how it can create alpha returns".

Paul participating in a panel discussion about Crypto Markets.

Paul was able to also participate as a judge in a Shark Tank-like event during the conference. During this event, "four new data providers pitch[ed] their data proposition for established data providers" with one being declared "best in their class".

You can find the programme with the list of speakers here .